Sunday, February 22, 2015

Persona Essay 1 - "Fart Nougats" By: Priscilla B.

It started out with a kiss how did it end up like this?  Would be the main title for this essay, but I figured that would be way too long for a title.  Plus these days you can't even pay people to read the title let alone the first line of anything worth while these days.

 It takes real patience, and gusto, to tell you what I'm about to but I figure I should anyway.  \

You suck.

I mean let's gets real people. Unless you are an uber stocker of mine, or you're an actual decent human being who cares about what I actually do, which is write you won't read this.

Which is quite honestly sad, but the truth of the matter is no one actually cares what you do.  The trick of the trade is to get them to.  To get them to be your number one fan is the, and only goal of any writing life form/being.

I'm pregnant by the way.  Are you still reading this, or did all of a sudden you put it down because it's just super boring and pathetic?

Either way I don't care.  I'm doing this more for me than you anyway.  Plus I'm pretty sure my unborn daughter, Love, yes that's her name, and I don't care what you think because that name is a whole lot cooler than James, or North which is what 'famous' women are calling their daughters today. SMH.

 I believe we (us writers) should break the formatting rules of writing, and create our own future ones.   So, my hand is getting pretty tired from all hand writing, yes I wrote this 1st  because my computer is broke, and because I love to write so much.  So, I'm going to go now bye.


Could people please stop posting nonsensical writing samples online, and saying they're essays when they're clearly not.


-Priscilla B.
(Pregnant mom to be.)

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